Custom Replica, 3D Replica
Its not a product, Its our passion !
Inaugural Offer : Book now & get free fibre cover for your Replica.

Through this art, the photograph is recreated in 3D with its background details. These creations are ideal gifts to surprise your loved ones and later, the gift can be displayed as a home décor art piece forever.
Replica’s are recreated on a wooden base. Main figures are made of air dry Krafter’s clay. Whole creation includes clay figures, frame, battery lights and a wooden tray.
Size of base is 13.5x 13.5 x11 inch or 14 x10 x 11 inch.
Introduction to Clay Modeling
Take this course just for INR 2500.
This is the time to build up new skills. Everyone can learn Krafters clay crafting. Kids, teenagers, adults, Age is no bar. No prior experience in crafts needed. All you need is some passion, some curiosity, and magic will happen. It’s fun, its satisfying, and it’s rewarding.
Let’s play, Let’s clay !!
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