
Who can become a Member ?

 Art no doubt brings in joys and satisfaction which no money can measure. But if one is thinking of converting a hobby into a profession, earning is a must. That’s where we can assist, with our experience in this field. Membership Model is a very low risk, low investment successful model whereby working from home for a few hours a week, you can convert your passion in Business. You can execute our guidelines in a planned manner, after opting for membership.

Krafter’s already teaching crafts; clay crafting can be one more add on to your teachings. Anyone who wants to start a similar set up like us with passion and interest can become a member. From beginners to experienced Krafter’s all are welcome. Our goal is common, spread art and at the same time make it a profession.

Eligibility :

  1. Complete the introductory course. Upload color charts, and all projects. A certificate in this course is a must to become a member.
  2. Annual fee.
  3. Little set up in own space, may be a small spare room where teachings can be conducted. The sitting arrangement of 5-6 people on a glass / Nano white surface. Little display of work in a glass-covered cabin. This is going to be your special corner.

Benefits of becoming a member:

  1. Attractive discount from the full product range of clay and tools.
  2. Assistance in conduction workshops. Using our materials, kits, members are eligible to conduct teachings under our guidance.
  3. Eligibility to resell product range of clay and tools sale. Margins on sales.
  4. Marketing assistance. Member details will be published on the website and also while announcing workshops, marketing assistance will be provided.
  5. Special teachings and sessions will be available only for members.

Feel free to contact us for more information.