level 3 : Wedding Couples

Welcome to level 3 of Wedding Couples clay craft course! Throughout this journey , we’ll be crafting 5 unique couples, each showcasing 5 different positions. It’s a fun and creative course.. Participants will enjoy learning and creating these designs. Plus, having one-on-one assistance and tips along the way will ensure everyone gets the guidance they need to bring ideas to life.
Divya · June 19, 2024

A very warm Welcome to level 3 couple course. We will make 5 couples in this course.

Its unique because of its positions. Each creation will teach a new position. Course will begin with hand in hand couple which is easy creation to begin with. 2 nd project is suitcase couple. Setting lady on suitcase is little tricky but every one will follow.

After this superman couple. This is the most challenging, and it makes the Couse very interesting. Frame couple is cute and yet simple position. Last couple is lift me high couple again a very challenging position to make. You can use these creations in wedding gifting, home décor, engagement patter arrangements or even take orders for basic replicas. Lets dive in and bring each couple to life, one by one.

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11 Courses

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Course Includes

  • 7 Lessons
  • 24 Topics